Sparkling Bits of Writing Book 2 from Creative Word Studio Review


I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

One of Mary's favorite subjects in school is Creative Writing. She loves to write stories but mostly she is a poet. She started writing poetry a while back and she really has a knack for it. Her daddy used to write a lot of poems when he was younger so I think she got it from him. So far this year she has won 3 poetry contests that were nationwide! So when we had the chance to review the Sparkling Bits of Writing Book 2 from Creative Word Studio we knew she would love it. 

Sparkling Bits of Writing Book 2 is intended for 7th and 8th grade so I knew it would be perfect for Mary. The lessons are very independent and require very little from me as the teacher too. I do love that you don't need a manual for this workbook and that it has a Christian worldview as well.

In the book, there are 3 types of lessons. Free Writing which is intended for you to write non stop about anything for 8-10 minutes, Reading Responses which uses wholesome writings from books and you analyze them, and Mini Writing Lessons which make you think outside the box. There are also "Gold Pieces" and "Friends Lessons". We don't need Friends Lessons because it requires another student as the friend, but Gold Pieces are the ones you do your best work on and it has a grading scale for it. 

For Mary, she needs very little motivation to do any kind of creative writing. I can give her the notebook and she will be writing until I tell her to stop. Two times a month she also takes a live Creative Writing course through University of Florida too. So this is a subject dear to her heart. This workbook is one of her favorites and I will keep using it through 8th grade too. These are fun exercises that really do help kids learn to love writing. And the best part is that they are fun!

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Creative Word Studio Reviews