MENU Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership Review


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.

In our homeschool, we typically use a lot of physical books and workbooks. It makes it easier to be able to find everything on our bookshelf and to be able to do school pretty much anywhere. We also love to use visual programs that are on the computer too. I love finding curriculum that is video based because Mary learns the best when she can see something in action. I think my least favorite type of curriculum is the kind that requires a lot of printing. Since my printer has been out of ink for who knows how long, if I find a curriculum I really love that needs printing, I send it over to Office Depot. Then I take it home and make a binder out of it. This year I was given the chance to check out the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership which offers a full curriculum for every grade from Pre-K all the way through 12th. The Ultimate membership offers full access to all the content on the site too so parents can build their own curriculum based on the needs of their children. And this is perfect for multi-children families because you can build curriculum for everyone for the same price!

For Mary, we already had a full curriculum for 6th grade from other programs, but we were able to use to supplement her existing curriculum. For example, I was able to search for programs that offered video content and found some great ones I wanted to use for history. The ones I picked were Drive Thru History because the curriculum is solely video based and then there are interactive quizzes right on the computer. 

If you're not the best at making lesson plans, also has you covered with that. Each program has a downloadable lesson plan PDF that shows what lessons to teach for each day. It also has a checklist of the components that need to be included for each day. 
Also included in the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership is an awesome video library that lets you stream 450+ videos on various subjects. Some are just for fun and others can be used for learning things like math and science. 

Currently has numerous subject areas that you can choose from for curriculum. For Mary, I picked a few curriculums that I thought she would really enjoy. They were Extraordinary Women of the BibleDrive Thru HistoryTrek to the Holy Land and BeyondExploring Poetry with Notebooking & Opening the Door to Poetry

For the ones that needed printing, I just saved the PDF files and sent them over to Office Depot. Office Depot also can hole punch for you so when I picked everything up, it was ready to go right in a binder.

Overall I am super impressed with I really love how you can browse by subject and also by grade. I mainly browsed by 6th grade so I could make sure Mary was learning for her age group. They have a great selection of curriculum and even though we had most of ours for this year, we were still able to find some fun ones for extra practice and learning. 

If you want to see what the other crew members thought of, check out the picture below! - Every Subject - Every Grade - Every Student { Reviews 2021}