Save Money And The Planet: How To Create A Greener Home


Many of us are looking for ways to protect the planet. As the environment dominates the headlines, and the impact of our modern lifestyles becomes increasingly evident, it’s important for everyone to do their bit. If you’re on a mission to make a positive difference, and you’re also keen to make savings, here are some top tips to create a greener home. 

Improving energy efficiency

One of the best ways to lower monthly outgoings and reduce energy consumption is improving energy efficiency. If you have your heating on all the time in the winter, it’s a good idea to look for ways to improve heat retention and reduce your bills. Old houses tend to lack robust insulation, and you might also find that heat is escaping if your windows are old or damaged, or you have gaps underneath doors or holes in the walls. Carrying out some running repairs, investing in insulation to plug gaps and prevent heat loss and buying new windows and doors can all contribute to long-term savings. A custom window replacement and new front and back doors will improve energy efficiency and enhance security. If you don’t already have double glazing, replacing your windows could make a huge difference to your energy bills and it will also reduce external noise. If you can’t afford to pay for double glazing or new doors at the moment, even simple solutions like filling in holes in the wall, sealing doorways and using a draft excluder can help. 

In addition to taking steps to improve heat retention, you can also make your home more energy-efficient by swapping old appliances for new, smart technology and replacing traditional bulbs with LED lights. Modern appliances are designed to utilize less energy, and they often offer additional benefits and features. If you’re used to an old washing machine, for example, you’ll probably find that a new appliance washes your clothes faster and offers a wider range of settings and programs. 

Reducing energy consumption

If you dread your energy bill arriving, there are several ways to reduce spending. Improving energy efficiency will help you to save, but you can also adopt eco-friendly habits, including turning the lights off when you leave a room, reducing the time you spend in the shower and turning appliances off at the socket instead of leaving them on standby. In some areas, it may be possible to install a smart meter, which enables you to track your energy usage. It’s also an excellent idea to use a thermostat to regulate the temperature in your home. If you set a temperature, the heating system won’t fire up until the figure drops below the threshold. 


How often do you recycle glass or plastic bottles, cardboard boxes or tins? If you’re not already a dedicated recycler, it’s time to get on board. Recycling reduces waste and it facilitates reuse. Sort your household waste into piles for recycling and look out for products made from recycled or sustainable materials when you go shopping. It may take you a little while to get used to recycling, but once you know what goes where, it will become part of your routine. If everybody recycled their trash, it would make a huge difference to the amount of waste that would be reused and the quantity of plastic and other recyclable materials that end up in landfill sites. Check the labels on products and packaging before you buy. If the recycling logo is on the back, you can pop it in a designated recycling bin once you’ve finished with it. 

Reducing plastic consumption

We have known that there is far too much plastic washing up on beaches and floating around in the seas and oceans for a long time, but many of us were shocked to see headlines and stories following the release of the BBC’s Blue Planet TV series. The presenter, one of the world’s most high-profile wildlife experts and environmentalists, Sir David Attenborough, issued a stark warning, highlighting the fact that around 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the world’s oceans each year. Many of us have got used to buying products packaged in plastic, drinking from plastic bottles on a daily basis and using straws when we order a drink in a cafe or a bar. Plastic recycling has become more commonplace, and manufacturers and hospitality businesses are working to reduce the amount of plastic they use, but there is still a long way to go. At home, you can make a difference by making some very simple changes. Recycle all the plastic bottles and packaging you buy and use a cup, rather than buying new bottles of water every day. If you’re used to buying bottled water on a daily basis, swapping to a reusable cup will save you buying hundreds of plastic bottles every year. You can also use paper or metal straws and carry a reusable coffee cup or flask with you to save you needing to use multiple takeaway cups. When you take a trip to the grocery store, take paper bags or canvas bags for life with you so that you don’t need to use plastic bags.  

Renewable energy

Renewable energy is produced by natural sources, which are replenished on a continual basis without the need for burning fuels or emitting harmful gases. Examples include wind and solar power. More and more people are switching to renewable energy, and in many cases, this can be a cost-effective move, as well as one that has benefits for the environment. If you’re fortunate enough to live in an area where the sun shines for long spells, it’s worth exploring the option of adding solar panels to your home. These panels utilize sunlight to produce energy, providing an affordable option for home and business owners. Once you’ve covered the setup fees and charges, you should notice that your energy bills decrease. In the long-term, switching to renewable sources can save you a vast sum of money. 

Cutting out food waste

Do you often find that you open the fridge to find a load of fresh produce that has passed its sell-by date, or do you throw large amounts of food away at mealtimes because your portions are too generous? Many of us are guilty of buying and cooking more food than we need. If you tend to over-cater, or you buy products because they’re on offer, write a list before you go to the store, avoid buying anything that isn’t on the list and reduce your portion sizes. Cutting down on food waste is beneficial for the environment, and it will also help you to save money. If you find that you get lured in by discounts and deals, it might be a good idea to look for stores that offer online shopping. When you shop online, you have a running total visible at all times, which makes budgeting easy, and you don’t have to contend with neon signs or aisles packed with offers that are designed to make you spend more. If you have leftovers, use them again. If you’ve made a pasta dish for dinner, for example, you can store the leftovers in a sealed container in the fridge and have them for lunch the next day. 

Are you looking for simple ways to protect the planet and save money on household costs? If so, going green is a brilliant idea. Improving energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption, cutting out food waste, recycling and taking steps to use less plastic will all help you to lower your bills and do your bit for the environment.