Your Lockdown Must-Dos (According to Social Media)

Much of the world is beginning to return to some kind of normal. In some countries, cafes are
reopening. Albeit with new, socially distant guidelines and safety regulations. Other countries are
taking the first tentative steps to reopening schools and non-essentials shops. After a long few months,
for many, these steps are welcome. 

But, we must remember that the crisis has not yet passed. What you are allowed to do will largely
depend on where you live and how severe the COVID-19 outbreak has been in your area, but there’s
one thing that we all still have in common; the need to be careful and take precautions. 

Lockdown has been harder on some of us than on others, but it hasn’t all been bad. There are plenty
of things that we’ve been doing to keep us busy. If you believed everything that you read online,
you’d think that everyone had been doing everything on this list. 

Of course, this isn’t true. We’ve all been doing what we need to do to get by. If you are starting to
get a little bored, though, and still trying to stay at home as much as you can, here are some of the
lockdown must-dos that you might want to try. 

Bake Sourdough

Lockdown is the perfect time to bake sourdough for the first time. You give it a little attention each
day, as you feed your starter. It’s a slow process, but one that doesn’t require too much thought and
effort. And you’ll feel a fantastic sense of achievement when you get a gorgeous loaf at the end of it.
You might even want to look at storing your bread in a custom basket for the perfect Insta pic

Make a Banana Bread

Banana bread has been another popular lockdown bake, and it’s a great way to use up any
browned bananas that you might have, avoiding waste and making your food go further. 

Resign as a Maths Teacher

Many parents have been thrust into homeschooling for the first time. For some, it’s been a bit of a
challenge, and maths especially might have been tough if you haven’t used any of your own skills
for a long time. If you haven’t resigned as a maths teacher yet, you are doing great. 

Enjoy (or Not) a Family Quiz Night

Many families have been getting together on zoom for a family quiz night. In fact, some are
probably spending more time chatting with their families than they usually do. 

Played Animal Crossing

Have you managed to resist buying a Nintendo Switch (or claiming the kids) and Animal Crossing?
Many haven’t, instead taking comfort in cute creations and control. 

Worn Leggings 

If you are still dressing for work, good for you! Many of us gave up a long time ago, instead
getting comfy in leggings and baggy tees. 

Cut or Dyed Your Own Hair

Whether you needed it or not, you may have dyed your hair a different color, or cut in some bangs,
just for something different. 

Ordered Something You Wouldn’t Usually 

Your online shopping habits might have changed completely as you try to keep yourself happy and

Have you tried any of these lockdown must-dos? How did they work out?