The Importance of Dental Care for the Whole Family

When you’ve fallen out of the habit of taking care of your teeth, they’re not something you think about until you feel a pain one morning. At that point, tooth decay has set in and the nerve pain cuts right to the quick. Even painkillers don’t work because nerve pain isn’t well managed through the usual over-the-counter medications if that’s even something that your family believes in taking.
In this article, we discuss the importance of effective dental care for the whole family.

It Begins with the Parents

Children learn from their parents. As mother or fathers, we all know this. They ape what we do until they develop an independent mind and run with enough confidence to make their own choices. But even then, their choices are often influenced by their parents – at least, once they’re past the rebellious stage where they intentionally do the exact opposite!
When the kids come along to dental appointments to see what happens or even just to get used to the look of the dental chair and the need to polish their teeth and get them checked, it removes their initial fear. This is an essential part of the process for them because kids fear the unknown or unfamiliar.

Then the Kids

Once the parents have had their oral care dealt with, it’s time to get the kids on board too.
To do this, we’d recommend using a dental specialist like Gallery Dental.
Getting kids used to having their teeth taken care of early is important because regular check-ups are required to see how their teeth are developing. As they lose a tooth and the tooth fairy rewards them, they get accustomed to taking care of their teeth.
Parents also shouldn’t worry about the costs because there’s the Child Dental Benefits Schedule now for dental visits in Australia, which covers $1,000 in child dental costs over a two year period. So, even parents on a tight budget can afford it.

And Regular Brushing & Flossing

Beyond dentist visits, brushing in the morning and before bedtime are daily traditions to instil early in life. Flossing is an activity suited to older children to avoid them turning the floss material into a choking hazard. Even for pre-teens, flossing should be a supervised activity until they are old enough to be trusted with the material alone.
But Don’t Forget Food & Drink Too
Along with oral care and regular brushing, don’t forget the influence that food and drink have on oral health.
Sugary drink consumption in children has been found to be detrimental to the long-term viability of their teeth. Similarly, unhealthy food is also bad for gum health too. Parents need to be aware of what their children are eating and drinking both inside and outside the home, to ensure they don’t take in too many bad foods or an excess of sugar.
Dental care for everyone in the family is important. Children learn what’s important from their parents and follow their lead in many cases. They then carry this focus on oral health into their later years.