4 Sewing Tips Just for Beginners

Sewing Machines can look complex to those who aren’t used to handling them. However, if you are interested in learning how to work one, I wouldn’t let the fear of the machine or the skill set keep you from wanting to create beautiful pieces of work. There is a step by step guideline to help you learn all about your sewing machine to begin crafting your items. What are these guidelines you may ask? I have here below to help you become more familiar with your machine.

  1. Learn The Parts Of Your Sewing Machine - You need to become familiar with the various knobs, buttons and parts of your sewing machine so why not take a look once you find your perfect one. To begin, locate the power switch. This may seem rather silly but locating where the switch is located is the most important step. It’s located in different places depending on what type of sewing machine you have, but normally, it is on the right side of the body. Next, locate the spool tool. This is a small plastic or metal pin that sticks out at the top of your machine and is where you place your spool of thread. This is essential when using various types of threads to begin sewing. There is also what’s called a thread guide. This helps direct your thread from the spool at the top of the machine to the bobbin winder. The piece sticks out at the top of the machine and is usually located on the left side. The stitch adjustment buttons are also essential and in different locations depending on what type of machine you have. There is a small screen next to the a few buttons on the front side of your machine. These buttons help you to select which type of stitch you’re going to be using, the length and which direction of the stitch such as forward or reverse. Your manual should have more information on what the buttons are for as well.
  2. Setting Your Sewing Machine Up - When it comes to putting your machine somewhere, you really can’t just put it anywhere in your home! Make sure that you set your machine on a desk, counter or at least a sturdy table. Allow yourself to have a chair that is at a comfortable height for the correct height of your table. Arrange your sewing machine so that the needle is on your left and the body is on your right. You’ll be checking a few things first and getting to know the machine a little bit so make sure you do not have it plugged it just yet! When you have a spool of thread you want to use, take the thread and pull it through the thread guide at the top of the machine and then down around the take up level. There should be a small number and arrows printed on the machine to show you which way the thread should go. Usually it follows the pattern of “left, down, up, down, into a hook, through the needle” but this will take practice once you’ve started.
  3. Practicing Sewing - When it comes to actually sewing, make sure that you select a straight stitch. You’ll want to look at the manual for how to do this because the stitches are set by looking at the lower knob on the right side of the machine and click it into place. A straight stitch is used to sew more seams like pants and the next more common is a zigzag stitch. It will take a lot of practice before you gain some control of the foot pedal or attempting to steer the material under the needle. Just keep practicing as best you can.
  4. Take Classes - If trying to set everything up within your home and not understanding if what you are doing is making any progress, then why not attend a class to help you get your questions answered and your needs met. One place in particular that offers classes for all sewing beginners like yourself is located in the Atlanta area. They are SewingMachine and they have both an online family business as well as an in store location. This business offers everything a sewer could want including various brands and tools, as well as helping to bring your creations to life. 

What are some sewing tips you have as a beginner?