Tips for Cleaning the Most Difficult Items in Your House

Everyone has a list of things around the house that they clean on a regular basis. Whether you are the type of person who is able to give the living room a thorough dusting once a week or once a month, there are some things that are easier to keep clean than others.

Then there are the things that hardly receive any attention at all simply because they are too difficult to clean. To help you get started, here is a list of the more common items that are challenging to get clean and how to clean them.


The sofa is the focal point of nearly every living room. It is used on a daily basis, and if purchased new, it could cost anywhere from a few hundred pounds to a few thousand. Nevertheless, it is one of the most overlooked items in the home when it comes to cleaning. This is due mainly to its size.

While it can be difficult, you should look to clean your sofa roughly every year or two. If you don’t want to spend the money to have your sofa cleaned by a professional technician, you can always follow this simple how-to guide for how to take care of it yourself.


Another item that often doesn’t receive the TLC it needs is the area rug. Frequent foot traffic throughout all four seasons results in your rug’s fibres trapping everything from pollen, dust and mold particles.

The approach you take to cleaning your rug will depend on the type of material it is made of. While it is simple enough to clean a wool rug yourself, for example, cleaning an expensive handmade Persian rug isn’t something that you should try to tackle yourself. Instead, look to have your rug professionally cleaned by experts like those at Orientalist Rug. Like your sofa, you should try to clean rugs roughly once a year.


Isn’t it funny how the things that get used the most are typically the things that are cleaned less often? They also tend to be the most expensive items in the house. Mattresses definitely fall into this category. Even if you use a mattress protector, there is no stopping dead skin cells, dust mites, and other particles from settling in your mattress.

Every six months or so, you should give your mattress a thorough cleaning. Make sure to wash your bedding at least every two weeks as well, and you will be resting in clean comfort.


If your house has a large amount of windows, the thought of cleaning your blinds might be rather daunting. Thankfully, this task is more time-consuming than it is difficult.

The easiest way to clean your blinds is to use a set of kitchen tongs and two microfiber cloths. Simply attach the cloths to each end of the tongs with rubber bands and you can clean both sides of a slat at the same time.