Race for the Cure October 2018

"This post is sponsored by ValPak"

This year I am turning 30 years old and I'm starting to feel it. I always seem to have an ailment and I'm in the doctor's office much more than anyone my age should be. Unfortunately, I just wasn't born with very good health genes so right now I'm going through a lot of different testing to see what is making me so sick every day. And one of those tests I had done this week was an ultrasound because my doctor felt something funny during my checkup. 

In the above picture is my grammy and me when I was about 7 years old. I never knew my grammy very well because we moved across the country when I was a kid. So when we would go back home on vacation, we would visit her. But one thing I do remember about her is my dad telling me she had breast cancer. 

I never knew that breast cancer was in our family until then. But those thoughts kept going through my head this week when I went to get my ultrasound. It was already a scary thought that my doctor wanted an ultrasound but when I got into the radiology department and saw all the breast cancer awareness posters, I got even more scared. 

When I went into the room to have my ultrasound, I wasn't very relaxed at all. I wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible. And it didn't help that my tech wanted to take extra shots of my underarms as well just in case. That made me start having thoughts flood through my mind. 

I can honestly say that it's not a fun wait to hear back about your ultrasound results. But when my doctor actually called my house the next day to talk to me, I was terrified. The first thing that went through my mind was, "I have cancer." But thankfully, she had called to tell me everything looked good and not to worry. But what if I really had gotten cancer? 

I think back about my grammy and how scared she must have been to learn she had breast cancer. I can't imagine going through that, especially by myself. 

Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women, with skin cancer being the first. And about 1 in 8 women born today in the U.S. will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. That's a scary thought.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease, offer information and support to those affected by breast cancer and raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. So what better month to have the Race for the Cure!

This year on October 15th, Race for the Cure will be in Chattanooga, TN and I am registered and ready to go. No one deserves to die from cancer and I believe a cure is out there. If you want to participate on your local Race for the Cure, you can check where your nearest race is.

Valpak has joined the community of bold companies that share in the vision of Susan G. Komen for a world without breast cancer. To amplify awareness around this common vision, Valpak will turn its Blue Envelope pink this October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month while also working to raise local awareness within the communities that they serve and funds in support of the fight to end breast cancer. Valpak is my sponsor for the race in Chattanooga this year so I hope to see lots of you sign up as well!

And I have a signup code for you to get a discount on the race as well! The promo code is “DealPro” (it is case sensitive) and entitles the user to receive $5 off a race or walk registration.