7 Budget-Friendly Ways to Spoil Your Husband

While Husband Appreciation Day officially passed on April 21st, there’s no such thing as an inappropriate time to show just how much you adore your significant other.
Whether it’s for his hard work, loving care for the kids, those awesome back massages or simply as a small surprise, we’ve put together a list of 7 budget-friendly ways that you can spoil your husband.

Take the Kids Out

Remember when your parents would leave the house? That sense of freedom, knowing that you have the whole space to yourself for a few hours, isn’t lost when you become a parent.
If anything, the desire for some alone time grows even stronger, especially for a hardworking father.
Bring your kids along on a shopping trip and give dad some time to relax, unwind and rejuvenate. Leave some of his favorite drinks and snacks on the table as an added bonus.

Surprise Him with a Treat

A long day at the office can be draining, even for the strongest of men. Surprise the man in your life with a quick visit and a small treat. Be it a tasty cupcake, a refreshing coffee or his favorite beef jerky snack, your efforts will be met with great appreciation. If you have a busy day ahead, drop a love note in his briefcase or pocket before he heads off to work.

Cook up His Favorite Meal

Men love food. Period. Spoil yours with his favorite dish. Whether it’s a continental breakfast in bed, or a hearty evening dinner, he’ll feel like the first time you crossed eyes.


The premise is simple: turn down the lights, turn up the stereo and go for it. Even if it’s in the dining room.

Solve a Problem

If he works from home and complains about back pain, pick up some heating pads, give him a massage or spoil him with a new office chair. If the kids’ rooms are a mess, a little clean-up job will be greatly appreciated. If the fridge is looking frighteningly empty, fill it up. Your efforts will take one less stressor off his mind and put a smile on his face.

Spoil Him with a Unique Gift

While chocolates and whiskey make for great gifts, why not take it a little further? For example, if your hubby is into geology or enjoys collecting random doodads, the internet offers plenty of options. You can buy rare stones and metals online and some sell real gold nuggets from around the world. It’s all about thinking outside the box.

Give him a Heart Attack

Not in a literal sense - that wouldn’t be very nice. The idea is to cut out some construction paper into hearts and tape them all over the interior of his car. It’s super cute and he’ll absolutely adore you for it.


Finally, a weekend away at a campsite under the stars, or some one-on-one time in a hotel room is sure to do the trick. If all else fails, a simple “I love you” goes a long way and doesn’t cost a cent.