I am part of the Homeschool Review Crew. All opinions are my own.

The Green Book is a science fiction novel that is sure to thrill kids. Pattie, the main character, is one of the last families that is leaving the dying planet Earth. Her family boards a ship to go to a new planet and the journey takes four years to get there. Unsure how to survive on the planet, the adults build houses and begin farming. They are hopeful that their crops will grow and be edible on this new planet. Pattie and the other kids explore the new planet through the book and come across some interesting things like moth people and candy trees. The Green Book is Pattie's account on their new life on this strange planet.
If you've never tried an eGuide, it is a super fun way to become a part of the story you're reading. I love doing unit studies on the books we read in our homeschool. So many times there are hidden lessons in all books that go missed! With the The Green Book - eGuide by Progeny Press, you'll go in depth on a study of the book and learn about things that you might have missed.
What is so wonderful about the The Green Book - eGuide by Progeny Press is that the lessons also include scripture so you will look at the story through a Christian perspective. I love this because you can learn life lessons that apply to the characters. Each eGuide takes about 8-10 weeks to finish so it really is a great unit study tool! Each eGuide is in PDF format so you can print them out to make a binder or you can use them right on the computer and fill in the PDF as you go.
The Green Book - eGuide by Progeny Press is recommended for grades 3-5 and is 62 pages long. Since Mary is going into 5th grade in October, I thought this was the best one to start her with. I also enjoyed the storyline since she loves the idea of going into space.
The Green Book - eGuide by Progeny Press starts off with before you read activities like making travel plans and starting a journal like Pattie did in the main story. They also have other recommended reading for pioneer stories as well.
After the prereading activities, you will start with Chapter 1. Each lesson in the eGuide includes vocabulary words that are throughout the story. You get to understand them more in depth and figure out if they are in context or out of context. You also have questions for each lesson too to help you understand what you are reading and to think about it more.
There is a literary techniques section that teaches different things like similes and metaphors as well. This is great because it shows how it was used in the actual book. You'll also have a dig deeper section where you can learn about the story through the Bible's eyes with different verses. And then there is an optional activities and projects section that includes a multitude of different things you can do! There are cooking ideas, things to study in science, gardening, and more!
Overall we were super impressed with The Green Book - eGuide by Progeny Press. It's so in depth with the study of this book, you will walk away with a clear understanding of it that will last.
Progeny Press has a lot more eGuides on their site too! Make sure to check them all out if you're looking for an in depth look at a book for homeschool! And check out the other crew members reviews below!