Your Wedding Website and Invite: Romance Starts Here

Long gone are the time when weddings are set-piece affairs that are made special only by the abundance of white lace and elegant gowns. Today, weddings can be as intimate or as festive, as solemn or as gaudy as one wishes. As well, ceremonies bow down to the complexities of technology. The Internet, in particular, is an important player. It is here where invites get sent out, and where sweet moments are enshrined for all eternity.

How would you like to have your very own wedding website for everyone to see? Sure, invitations are still the traditional gateway by which guests learn of the special date. But no matter how well laid-out your invitations are, there will always be a story behind the ceremony that you would want to tell. Having your very own wedding website will take care of it.

At Basic Invite, we want to make sure that tying the knot is more than just a ceremony — we want it to be an indelible memory. This is why we are offering free wedding websites to complement our invitation services. These websites are just as customizable as our invitations, allowing you to tweak everything to your heart’s content. With more than 180 colors to choose from, you can create a seamless invite experience for your guests with a themed site that perfectly matches their physical invitations!

Are there any throwback pictures you wish to share? Or a story of how you met and fell in love? Perhaps you want to share a map to your wedding ceremony. We’ve got you covered with features that you can turn on and off at will, enveloped in romantic themes that will perfectly suit your wedding.

But these weddings are not just for show. They also have a Digital RSVP feature for quick and easy place card and guest list printing. You also get an automated address collection system that simplifies the way you list down addresses for invitation envelopes.

These websites — also optimized for mobile devices — are designed with the same care and attention to detail that characterize our printed wedding invitations. With Basic Invite, you’re not just sending out pieces of stationery. You’re also sending out your thoughts and emotions. As we are committed to getting everything right for you, we are one of the few services that offer custom samples, so you can see exactly how your invitations will look before you commit to an order. Our invites also come in full sets, from save-the-date cards to thank-you notes!

Send an invitation and lead them to your website. Or create a website, and send invites to those who RSVP. With our service, you are in complete control. You can browse our professionally designed wedding templates so you can see for yourself which one best fits your wedding theme! Make your special day extra special, not just for you but also for your guests. Immerse them in the story of your love, as you lead them to the highest point of your romantic journey!