7 Environmentally-Friendly Strategies Your Family Should Adopt

Although it would be nice to totally refurbish your entire home and turn it into an eco-friendly environment, you may not have the funds to spend on the renovating. If you’ve been worrying about the condition that you’re going to leave the planet for your children, and the generations after, there are feasible things you can do to be kind to Mother Earth. The following are easy environmentally-friendly strategies your family can adopt.

Replace Your Bulbs

As a family, you may work hard to instill good habits such as teaching your children to give back to the community. You can also broaden your family’s good efforts by being mindful of the environment. Between cooling, heat, lights, cars and appliances, households waste a significant amount of energy yearly. Using a few simple strategies, you can help lower your utility costs and make the planet a healthier place for everyone to live. If you have overhead and lamp lighting throughout your home, you can do an overhaul by replacing the incandescent variety with CFLs. Bulbs.

Change Your Shopping Habits

Grocery shopping is another simple habit that you can adopt to help the environment. Instead of making runs to the store several times a week, focus on one-stop shopping and buy merchandise in bulk. You may also want to find a retailer that supports the local farmer. If your grocery supplies travel great distances to reach you, a lot of energy and gas is being wasted. Neighboring farms and local markets may have a wide range of produce to choose from. Instead of having the clerk pack your goods in plastic or paper bags, opt for brining your own. Since canvas tote bags from BagzDepot are reusable and cost-efficient, they make the perfect choice for those who are concerned about the environment. The eco-friendly totes also come in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes, so you can use them when you head to the beach, run errands or as a vessel when traveling places overnight.

Control Your Thermostat

Everyone may have different comfort settings within their body, so you’re not going to please every member of your family. If you’re looking to conserve energy and save money on utility bills, install a programmable thermostat. Whether it’s during the winter or summer, you adjust the temperature setting somewhere in the middle. You can also program the device for when the family is away, and the system doesn’t have to work so hard.

Lower Your Hot Water Heater

You can lead an environmentally-friendly life that goes beyond celebrating Earth Day. Instead of making it a one-day affair, gather the family together and set about making permanent energy-efficient household changes. While the members of your family may love to take a hot shower in the morning, you want to check the setting of your hot water heater. If the temperature is excessive, lower it to an acceptable level such as 120 degrees F. If you notice water running long periods of time, you can also install water saving nozzles on your shower and bathroom faucets to conserve water.

Arrange an Energy Audit

An independent contractor or utility company can help you monitor the amount of energy that you use within your household. By arranging an energy audit, you’ll be able to determine areas where you may be wasting energy. The audit will also notify you if there are regions of your household where you may be lacking insulation and air is escaping. The company you hire may also offer helpful tips on how to cut down costs and be environmentally-savvy.

Get in the Practice of Turning Lights Off

Teach your children the importance of saving energy by having them turn the lights off when exiting a room. The same goes for their electronic gadgets such as laptops, T.V.s and gaming systems. You can go a step further by unplugging household items you may not use as often. Even though they aren’t being used, when plugged in, energy is drawn from the various resources.

Plan Eco-Friendly Trips

No matter if you’re running errands or picking up kids from school, you want to minimize your family’s carbon footprint on the planet. Plan out your day, so you utilize the least amount of gasoline. Instead of making several trips, use a route that tackles everything on your to-do list. For trips that are short distances, walk or use your bike. If you’re planning a family vacation, use the method of transportation that takes the least amount of energy.

It’s important to teach your children about the environment early on in life. It’s a way for them to create a better planet for their future and that of their children. It can also make them into kinder, caring and more responsible adults.