Meet Roo, My Emotional Support Animal #MetonPetfinder #ad @Petfinder

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The last time I shared about one of my adopted animals, it was about Doodles –my Pekin duck. This time, I wanted to share about my sweet little hybrid dog, Roo. Roo is half Toy Fox Terrier and half Chihuahua. His breed is called a Taco Terrier and he is my other pride and joy! Roo has a wardrobe almost as big as mine and is very spoiled. But what really makes Roo so very special is that he is my Emotional Support Animal (ESA).

Before we adopted Roo, I was in pretty good health. We got him almost three years ago as a present for Mary. But in 2015, I had a very bad horseback riding accident; in addition to broken bones, I suffered a concussion.

When I came home from the hospital after the accident, Roo jumped into action. Without any type of training, he started helping me and staying with me constantly. When I left the house, he came along, too. And now he has even learned commands for staying with me and checking on me. Roo gave me a lot of comfort when I was sick and he still does, since I am still struggling with my health. Today, just over a year since my accident, he has learned more commands to help me, to stay with me if I have an attack, and to alert someone if I need help. Because of those reasons, he is becoming registered as my ESA.

Roo is a very special dog to me, especially since I know how much he loves me. There isn't a minute that goes by when I don't have him with me. When I take a shower, he stands with his paws on the edge of the tub to wait for me. And when I go to sleep, he sleeps at my back. He sits on my desk in the house when I am working. And he sits in my lap if I have to drive somewhere. He's my constant companion and my best animal friend. I couldn't ask for a better dog and it just goes to show how special adopted dogs are.

For the past 20 years, Petfinder has worked to ensure that more adoptable pets find their forever homes. Since 1996, Petfinder has helped facilitate more than 25 million pet adoptions through its shelter and rescue member organizations. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Petfinder will donate $250,000 to a total of 25 shelters and rescues since their video has had more than 1.25M views! Check it out here:

As part of the celebration, Petfinder families, advocates, partners and fans are encouraged to share their adoption stories on social media by using the hashtag #MetOnPetfinder.