Povi - The Connected Storytelling Buddy #ad

This post is part of a sponsored campaign for Povi. I received compensation for my participation, but my opinions are my own.

When your child is young, mostly teaching them their ABC's and how to walk is what's on a parent's mind. But what about their emotions? Children today are growing up a lot more different than when we did and a lot of them are having a hard time with their emotions. And that's where Povi comes in.

Povi is a connected toy with a mission, for children ages 3-8. Povi shares short stories based on children's everyday situations then engages young listeners and their parents in a discussion on emotions and feelings. Loaded with real-life stories children can relate to and endless conversation starters, Povi helps parents and child establish a daily habit of thoughtful conversation that in turn helps children develop crucial social-emotional skills.

The concept for this conversation-starting innovation came from Povi founder Seow Lim’s own experience with her son. “I always felt that I paid lots of attention to my child’s development and was very surprised when a school counselor said, ‘Your child is really smart, but he is not happy.’ It was so painful to me that I didn’t know this about my own son! In the process of transforming my parenting style from Tiger Mom to getting more connected to my child’s emotions, I created Povi.”

According to multiple studies, preschoolers who participate in social-emotional skills programs exhibit less aggression and anxiety and become better social problem solvers. Prosocial behavior in early childhood is closely tied to future academic performance and mental health. Thousands of schools now use programs with this goal in mind. Povi enables parents to implement social-emotional development at home.

Povi’s stories address subjects such as caring, resilience, confidence, motivation, thankfulness and other valuable life skills. And Povi is not designed to be played with alone, but rather always with a parent on hand to discuss the challenges presented and come up with possible solutions with their child.

Povi comes with 10 pre-downloaded stories and a free app (available for Android or iOS) featuring additional questions parents can ask related to the stories and 20 additional stories that are age appropriate for each individual child. Parents can choose from among three levels, for ages 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. The stories are written and curated by experts including psychologists, teachers and parents.

Currently, Povi is on Kickstarter to get funded. So make sure to check them out at their Povi Kickstarter page to help get this funded for all the kids who need one!

Make sure to follow Povi on their social channels too!

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