Great Burgers in Northwest Georgia - Battlefield Burgers #ReviewCrew @Restaurant_com

I am a Ambassador. All opinions are my own.

Maybe it's just crazy cravings or a love for meat, but I love burgers and always have. They are a weakness for me so when I find a new place that has amazing burgers, it's a place I frequent often. Today after running some errands, I was up in Fort Oglethorpe, GA and saw that had a place called Battlefield Burgers. I was excited to try them out since my husband knew of this place from his childhood. 

Stopping in, I saw it was a drive thru but it also had a walk up window which was helpful to me. I walked on up and placed my order which was two burgers and a chicken sandwich. 

Since I was in a hurry to get back home, I told them to place it to go and I was quickly on my way. Overall the food and service were wonderful and they had no problem taking a gift certificate. Before I left the house, I printed out my gift certificate and took it to the restaurant with me. When I got done placing my order, they took the certificate and validated it. Then I paid the remainder which was about $12.

Currently offer gift certificate denominations in the amount of $10. So the $10 would take $10 off a $20 bill.That's a savings of 50%!

So if you're ever near Fort Oglethorpe, GA and you're craving burgers really bad, then you need to stop on in with a gift certificate!