A+ Interactive Math Review for Homeschool @aplustutorsoft

I am a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew and was given this curriculum for my honest review.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

As for most families, math isn't our favorite subject. One reason I was actually nervous to homeschool was because I am not great with math and didn't know if I could accurately teach it to Mary. So far I have been lucky since her lessons are easy but as she is getting older, I am noticing I am having more trouble with it. Right now my husband does her math lessons so I don't teach her wrong, but we also like to give her more interactive lessons. We think it's best to show her in an interactive way how to understand math.

For the past month, we've been reviewing A+ Interactive Math to see if it would work for our family. The product we've gotten is the Math Mini Courses in Time and Money.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

We picked time and money because these are both points in math that Mary is struggling with. We started with time because it seemed she did better with those lessons.

A+ Interactive Math is really user friendly and wonderful for parents. First, you make a parents account and then you make your child their account. Your child will log into their account to take their lessons and quizzes and you can keep track of their progress in your parental account.

When we started with Time, we started with lesson 1 which was Days, Weeks, Month and Years. The first lesson was a basic rundown of how long a day, a week, a month and a year are. The video lesson itself was about 10 minutes long and then there is a quiz afterwards that you take. When you're done with the quiz, it gives you the option to also print out your results which I did for Mary's records.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

The other course we received was Money and we saved this one for last since this one is much harder for Mary to understand. In the first lesson, it consisted of learning the coins and what they each stood for. It also showed how to visually identify them. But even though this lesson was over 10 minutes long and very basic, Mary didn't do very well with it. And since she didn't do well with the first lesson, I couldn't let her go to the second lesson which was how to convert certain coins. Money is going to have to be something we work on a little more in depth. I think maybe the lesson went a little too fast for her.

So far Mary has been doing well with Time so we're going to continue those lessons with A+ Interactive Math. As for Money, we will pursue a different route that maybe Mary will understand a bit more.

Overall A+ Interactive Math is a wonderful option for children who need a little extra help in certain areas. And they have more than just Time and Money as well. They have a total of 20 Mini Math Courses and each give 1 year of online access that range in price from $9.99 to $19.99. Each of the courses is designed to be finished in 2 to 3 months.

Each of the Math Mini Courses Includes:
Interactive Video Lessons
Interactive Review
Easy to Print Worksheets
Progress Reports
Solution Guides
Full text versions of lessons

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

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