Stick Figure Through the Bible #HSReview #GrapevineStudy #BibleStudy #Resurrection

I am a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. All opinions are my own.

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
Mary has always been a big stick figure person. All day long she could sit and draw stick figures on paper or the computer. She's been like that since she was a toddler! She loves to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid, she plays Poptropica online and she has endless papers full of stick figure drawings. To say that she loves stick figures is an understatement. 
So when I was offered the chance to review Grapevine Studies' Bible curriculum that lets you "Stick figure through the Bible", I honestly knew this was meant for Mary.
We have Bible lessons daily in our homeschool so the study we picked was The Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry Level 1 which is part of the New Testament Overview Part 1. And picking the curriculum was a hard choice too because they have so many different ones that all look amazing!

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
We have been using our study every day in homeschool and I have really seen a great interest in Mary. She eagerly awaits Bible study now and loves to learn and draw. 

Something I really love about Grapevine Studies is that it makes the lessons easy to work through with your kids. They aren't way over their heads and it's easy for them to understand and follow along. And it's easy for teachers too. I don't have a lot of time for planning during the week so it's important to me to have a lesson that's ready to go with little prep. These fit this perfectly.

What I did was make Mary a binder for her Bible study. Since this was an E-book, I printed it off and made a huge binder for her to work through. Of course I have my own teacher manual that is separate from hers.

Each day we start with the timeline and then work into the new lesson of the day. There are usually around 6 pages for her to draw and she draws after I read her the Bible study portion. 
Another favorite of mine is that at the end of each lesson, there is a back page where the kids can draw their favorite part of that lesson. Mary loves doing that page because she loves to show her favorite part of the stories. 

So far we are on lesson 6 and Mary loves it. She proudly tells me that her favorite subject is now Bible and she looks forward to it. She actually loves it so much that I save it for last out of all the subjects. That way she works really hard on the others so she can get to Bible. That's how much she loves this curriculum! 

We have also decided to continue with the other subjects when she finishes this one. And there are lots more to choose from too!

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
Overall we are extremely happy with Grapevine Studies and we will continue with their studies when Mary finishes this one. They are perfect for kids who love to draw and they really make kids learn about the Bible in a fun way.

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}

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