Fish is Always Better with Ice Cream #GetUpsideDown #ad #IC

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Dairy Queen. I received a product sample and promotional item to thank me for my participation.

In our homeschool, we normally go on two or three field trips a week. I have always believed that it's easier for a child to learn when they are interested and have a visual. Plus field trips are just plain fun and help promote a healthy learning environment. So today our field trip was to our local fish hatchery. 

Inside we learned at the aquarium center and saw different kinds of fish that have hatched in the hatchery. Some of them included catfish, sturgeon and tilapia. 

The kids got a wonderful tour and learned so much about how and why fish can be farmed. Plus they got to touch a sturgeon which was a plus. They are surprisingly very friendly too! They were coming right to the surface to be picked up.

But I think the huge plus for me was the entire place was a bird breeding ground too. We were lucky enough to see lots of gorgeous Canadian geese who have made the hatchery their home. Plus we saw lots of nests along the way too. This is actually how close I got to a mama who was sitting on her eggs. She was super friendly too.

And this little mama was a protective little thing! We weren't sure what breed she is but she lays her eggs right in the gravel on the road. Since they're speckled, people think they're gravel and don't even think twice about them! How smart is that?!

Since the entire field trip was over 2 hours long, we were starving by the time we got back to town. So we headed on over to Dairy Queen to have a yummy lunch.

Dairy Queen has always been a sweet memory for me. Ever since I was a little girl, I always went there for ice cream. My mom and dad would sometimes take me for a treat and my dad always got vanilla ice cream with wet walnuts and my mom loved vanilla cones dipped in cherry!

Part of our lunch included a delicious Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard! This April, DQ is celebrating its 75th "Fanniversary" highlighting its legendary Blizzard treat and is asking America to #GetUpsideDown. When Fans visit their local DQ restaurant and order any Blizzard treat during the month of April, it will be served upside down or it's free on their next visit.  Our was served upside down and we loved it!

Plus of course Mary ended up trying to shake hers to see if it would really fall. Don't try that!

If you live near a Dairy Queen, head on over before April ends to get an upside down Blizzard or it's free!