Sweetpix Helps You Keep Memories Forever

If you're anything like me, then you have lots and lots of pictures. I take pictures of pretty much everything but my problem is that they always just sit on my devices or computer. And some of them are just too pretty to keep hidden! So that's why I ended up using SweetPix to make some professionally printed photo squares for my walls.

Using SweetPix was really easy too. All I did was download it on Mary's iPod and took pictures of my husband and Mary together. When I was done with my pictures, I simply went into the app, chose my pictures, cropped them and then selected my package! Then about a week later I had a box on my porch with my beautiful photo squares that were ready to hang on the wall!

The photo squares came out gorgeous and they were very easy to hang. All you do is use the sticky squares included in your package and you're done!

If you're looking for a great way to get your photos from your phone to you wall, then I would suggest SweetPix. Currently you can download SweetPix on iTunes.