When I decided to home-school Mary, I was actually pregnant with her. I made that important decision very early on some would say! So while normal pregnant moms would be buying diapers and formula for their soon to be born babies, I was buying lots and lots of books! Before she was born I had tubs full of books that would be for her home-schooling years later.
There are a lot of things that home-schoolers have to think about, however, from whether to use some of the online schools out there to what kinds of resources might be useful, and it’s vital that you are going to make these kinds of decisions as well as possible. All in all, it comes down to doing what is right by your child.
And when my husband would be at work at night, I would stay up on the couch, writing down future lessons in my lesson planner. Sounds crazy doesn't it? But I wanted Mary to have a great education and I wanted to make sure I found everything possible to share with her. So it was no wonder when she was born that I finally started sharing a lot of educational things with her. And when apps were born, I filled a tablet full of educational ones and let her loose.
Now Mary is seven and we use educational apps a lot in our home-school. And one of our new favorites is Joy Sprouts. Created by educational professionals, Joy Sprouts’ award winning games and activities develop a range of important skills to help your child’s total development. The app provides personalized reports that allow you to follow your child’s progress across key areas of development. Plus the app is based on the Head Start curriculum so it's like having a preschool right in your own house.
Filled with fun characters that your preschooler is sure to recognize like Garfield, your child can play games that will actually be helping them learn. And you can even see personalized reports on how your child is doing on certain skills. That way you can help them improve with what they're struggling with.
The app can help your child in 5 key areas:
- Cognition and General Knowledge (Math, Science, and Social studies)
- Language and Literacy
- Learning Approaches
- Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development and Health
The app's features for your child:
- Games and activities that help develop key skills essential for proper early childhood development. - World class content from top publishers (e.g., Oxford University Press and the BBC).
- Colorful animations and characters.
- New learning modules added every month for ongoing development.
The app's features for parents:
- Concise summary reports detailing your child’s progress, strengths & weaknesses.
- Customizable reports that show your child’s improvement.
- Recommendations from our educational experts on additional modules to help your child reach their full potential.
Currently the Joy Sprouts app is available for free on iPad.