Learn Math with the Lola's World App

Earlier this year I introduced you to Lola, a fun little panda bear that really wants to help your kids learn math. And since most kids struggle in math, I think that Lola is a refreshing way to help kids have fun without realizing they are already learning something new.

Well now Lola has a new game called Lola's World. It's coming out on September 25 and we were able to test it out to see what this new game could teach us. What makes Lola's Word a bit different from her other apps is that this one is subscription based. You can download the app and start playing for free with limited content for 3-year-olds and basic access to the progress tracker. Whenever you want upgrade to the full version, you can order a 1-month ($1.99 per month) or 3-month subscription ($3.99 for 3 months). The subscription opens all VIP features, such as: more personalization with toys, clothes, food and all avatars. The subscription also gives access to the full range of tasks, including 4- and 5-year-old packages and also opens a parental section with a full progress tracker. You will also receive latest features by monthly updates.

When you start the app, you choose your avatar along with your age which ranges from 3-6. Then you dress your avatar and start on your learning adventure! Mary ended up picking the cat avatar and then setting off on her learning adventure. Although the app is in its new stage, Mary took off quickly on it. The games are challenging but also really fun.

Something that is really great about this app is there's no need to choose areas or decide what level to play. The application adjusts automatically and rotates tasks in a child-friendly and logical way.

The Lola’s World application focuses on the first stages of math by teaching a child:
- Measurement: Size, amounts and number comparisons
- Patterns & Sorting: Match groups and amounts or comparing objects
- Counting & Numbers: Number recognition and counting objects and numbers
- Basic Operations: Addition with numbers and objects or number sequencing
- Geometry & Colors: Recognize shapes and colors or build puzzles

I think starting kids off early with math skills can really help them later on in life. I struggled in math terribly as a kid so this would have been great for me.

Currently the Lola’s World app will launch on the iOS platform and will be adding the Android platform later this year.