Knowing What it Feels Like When Someone Has Your Back #GoodNeighbor

Have you ever had the wonderful feeling  that you knew someone had your back? Ever since I met my husband, I have had that feeling and it's only gotten stronger over the years. When we met, I was still a teenager and he was already working as an auditor for a hotel near where I lived. Of course we ended up meeting one day and after talking and telling him about my dreams, we told me he believed in me. Just to hear someone say that to me was special enough to make me want to be someone.

As a teenager, I always wrote stories. I would actually stay up for hours writing because it was relaxing and it was a great way to get my feelings out. And as I got older I dreamed of having a book published, but I never thought I could actually do it myself. But my now husband kept telling me that I could write a wonderful children's book so after months and months of thinking of one, I finally started writing my first children's book. 

And after a year of hard working, editing and formatting, my children's book became a reality and was live on Amazon and in bookstores. I don't think I could have ever done it without knowing my husband had my back. He encouraged me the entire time and even helped me during the long and tedious process. He gave me enough confidence to know I could write a book and now I'm even starting my second one! And I have to give lots of thanks to my husband. He let me know I had the magic inside of me to do it.

So thank you Paul for all the love and support you have given me since day one. I would have never become a children's author if it hadn't have been for you constant encouragement.

Like a good neighbor State Farm is there. 
Compensation was provided by State Farm via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of State Farm.