What Makes You Sparkle? #SparkleWithDASANI #ad

This is a sponsored campaign with Dasani. All opinions are my own.

When I was a little girl, I used to watch my parents drink soda a lot. I never really did drink soda myself until I was a teenager but when I did, it was all I would order at restaurants. Of course then years later my dad stopped drinking soda for health reasons but he could never get used to drinking plain water. He needed to still drink something with bubbles in it. So he turned to seltzer water, which is also sparkling water. At first I thought it wasn't very tasty at all but after drinking them a few times, I couldn't stop. They were more addicting that soda!

Now I have my entire family drinking sparkling water and that's all we drink in the house. And the ones we normally buy are flavored like lemon or lime. So when I heard that Dasani came out with Dasani Sparkling, I was excited to see how the flavors would taste.

The flavors we received were Apple, Lime, Lemon and Berry. Apple was absolutely delicious and I wish more companies would make apple flavored water.The other flavors didn't disappoint either and I fell in love with all of them!

Now Dasani wants to ask you the simple question of what makes you sparkle? Is it your kids, your job, your favorite hobby? Upload a photo of what makes you sparkle to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #SparkleWithDASANI for a chance to win a Sparkling Getaway to the Westin Diplomat in Ft. Lauderdale which includes airfare, hotel and spa treatments for 4!

Here is what makes me sparkle and this is my entry photo. My daughter makes me sparkle with everything in me and she's what keeps me going everyday.

What makes you sparkle?