The Greatest Gifts for Networking Grads at Best Buy @BestBuy #GreatestGrad

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

I remember when I started to get ready for college. I had planned to go away to college because I wanted to go back home to New York but after my family moved, I ended up staying closer to them instead. Out of all the types of grads that I ended up being, I was a networking one. Of course back then there wasn't Facebook, Twitter or any social media. MySpace and LiveJournal were the big things and everyone talked to each other on AIM Instant Message! Remember those days?

Well if you're a grad in this time instead of mine then you have even more advantages to being a networking grad! So here are a few of my favorite items that can be given as gifts for any networking grad.

Best Gifts for Networking Grads

Do you have a grad that you're still looking for a gift for? Then use the Best Buy Gift Center to find out some ideas on what they might like. They have gift ideas for all types of grads, not just networking ones.

Personally as a grad I would have loved the iPhone 5s, the iTunes Gift Card and the Surface 2. What would your grad like to get?