How to Make a DIY Neck Wrap #DDDivas #sponsored @Dawndish #MyDawnSummer

This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Dawn. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

As a stay at home mom, I am always on the go. Most would think that being home all the time would be easy but it really isn't. Mostly because your job is never finished! During the day I am home-schooling Mary, doing field trips, running errands, taking business calls, having meetings, answering emails, and then figuring out what dinner will be. My day never slows down ever and I only take one day off per week to chill out. But even then I still have to clean. So when does mommy get a break?

Something that does take some of my time is handwashing my dishes. I haven't used a dishwasher in years and my husband will actually not eat off a dish that went through the dishwasher. So when we eat, I have to immediately wash everything in the sink. At first, I hated washing dishes, but after a few years it really wasn't so bad. But most recently it's been like an escape with the new Dawn Destinations.

I love learning about new cultures and exploring different parts of the world so when I got to try out Dawn Destinations, it was actually a fun experience. There are three different scents and each one is from a different part of the world. So it's like a mini vacation when you wash your dishes! Plus each of them have amazing grease cutting power so you're not just scrubbing and scrubbing either.

Now after washing dishes, I like to sit down and relax with a shoulder wrap because I get tense during the day. And if you have four simple items in your house, you can make one for yourself!

To make a DIY neck wrap, all you need is a sock, aromatherapy oil, a sewing kit and dry rice. Simply fill your sock with the dry rice until it's 3/4 full. Then use about 20 drops of your oil onto the rice and sew the sock up. Now it's completely ready to use! Just put it in the microwave for about a minute and it will get nice and warm for you.

Would you like to make a DIY neck wrap of your own? Then enter below to receive a lovely kit that will include the following:

  • A sock 
  • Aromatherapy neck and shoulder pillow recipe/how-to 
  • A Bottle of Dawn Destination 
  • Lavender oil 
  • Rice 
  • $25 iTunes gift card (for spa music)