Social Marketing is Slowing Down For Notifying Customers #coxnsbw

I am a CoxBlue Ambassador. All opinions are my own.

This past week was National Small Business Week. You know, the week you're supposed to get out there and support your local small businesses? Well, it's also the week that the 2014 Cox Business Survey has come out as well. Cox interviewed 601 small businesses across the country and recently published their results. You can check out the PDF of the results here. But I did want to touch on a few of the results below that I found interesting.

According to the results, social media is becoming less popular with businesses to help promote sales. Out of 7 social media channels, the highest ranked was Facebook and it's only used 21%. The lowest was Instagram at 2%. 

Another result that caught my eye was that email was ranked the highest with 83% of respondents ranking it as effective or somewhat effective. I can honestly agree with this because when I send out emails, I have a better chance at replies than any other resource I have used.

But the biggest thing result that held my attention from the entire survey was that 67% of business owners were overwhelmingly positive about the future of their business. 

Do you have a small business? Cox has put together some wonderful free materials like the SMB Essentials: 12 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Small Business eBook that you can download from their site. Make sure to download them today!