Combat Allergy Face with Zyrtec #ENFRENTATUSALERGIAS #Zyrtec

I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for Latina Mom Bloggers on behalf of ZYRTEC® ALLERGY FACE® and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

Ever since I was a little girl, I had terrible allergies. So bad in fact that I was in the doctor's office every month getting new medicines to try because I was suffering so badly. I thought maybe as I got older, I would hopefully outgrow it, but it seemed to get worse, especially after I had Mary. About four month after I had Mary, I had to wear a surgical mask when I went outside or into my basement because of the pollen and mold count. I was so sick that the only time I left the house was to go to the doctor. And most of the day, I laid down on the couch because I had no energy to do anything else. I could barely sit at the computer either.

Finally about a year later, I wasn't so sick, but even though I don't get the symptoms of allergies anymore, I still look it. It's called Allergy Face and it's terrible! You even have to apply your makeup differently to make sure you don't look like a clown!

The makers of Zyrtec know that allergies can affect not only the way you feel, but also how you look. To help women look fresh-faced and flawless during the height of allergy season, Zyrtec has partnered with celebrity makeup artist Jackie Gomez to help Latinas tackle allergy face beauty challenges like a red nose, puffy face and watery eyes. As an allergy sufferer herself, Gomez knows all too well how allergies can disrupt her daily beauty routine, so she has blended her expertise working with celebrities like Beyoncé, Zoe Saldana and Maite Perroni, along with her personal experiences dealing with allergies to create six celebrity-inspired looks that will help women disguise their allergy face beauty challenges to look beautiful from day to night.

Below is one of my favorite looks, Bronze Beauty. I think this one can be a wonderful way to bring out your eyes if your face is puffy from allergies.

According to a recent survey by the makers of Zyrtec, nearly half of women suffering from allergy face missed out on something like a party or a date because of their allergy-related beauty challenges. I know that I sure have and it's because even after I put my makeup on, I still looked sick. Well I must have been putting my makeup on the wrong way because here are some tips to help combat allergy face!
  • Eyes: Use an eyelash curler before applying mascara to help “wake up” your allergy face. Using a curler will make your eyes look wide open, so you look fresh and awake. 
  • Nose: If your nose is irritated and dry, avoid putting on foundation, which can look caked on. Instead apply a rich moisturizer and let it dry. 
  • Face: To help reduce the appearance of allergy face, place a cold, damp cloth on your face for 10 minutes.
Also, here are some tips on how to embrace being natural even when you have allergy face!
  • How to Combat a Puffy Face: Drink plenty of water each day to help keep your skin hydrated. 
  • How to Combat a Puffy Face: Also, to reduce the appearance of a puffy face, rub an ice cube over your face before applying your makeup. 
  • How to Reduce the Appearance of Watery Eyes: Apply navy blue or cobalt mascara to help the whites of your eyes appear brighter. Less is more! Don’t overdo it with too much makeup.
My own personal makeup tip for allergy face is a bit of nude shimmer eye shadow because when my allergies are flaring up, my eyelids show all my veins terribly. So to cover it and still look natural, I use a nude shimmer eye shadow.

Here's a selfie that I took tonight when I tried out one of Jackie's looks - Fresh Faced and Fabulous for our dinner.

Do you have makeup tips for allergy face? Anything different than what's already listed?