Beat the Summer Heat with #BanTotalRefresh

Compensation was provided by Ban via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Ban or Momtrends.

Every year I look forward to spring coming because the cold winter is finally leaving. But there is something that I really hate about spring and that's the really hot days that are to follow. We live in the south and right now it's already in the upper 80's during the day. And for me, that's complete torture. For some women, that might seem like the perfect temperature, but I sweat. And I sweat bad. I actually sweat worse than my husband and even went through hormone replacement therapy at the age of nineteen. So as you can tell, my body is all messed up! So when the hot weather hits, I feel like a melted popsicle. And most of the time, I look like this:

Notice how my bangs are all matted to my forehead and my cheeks are completely red? Honestly, I had just walked out the door too. That's how bad I get overheated. But I have found an awesome new product that helps cool you down instantly and leaves you feeling fresh.

Ban Total Refresh Cooling Body Cloths are the first-ever in the United States on-the-go cooling cloths that leave you feeling completely refreshed, with just one wipe. They instantly cool on contact and leave skin feeling refreshed with a translucent, superfine powder so skin stays smooth and comfortable with no sticky residue.

After using just one cloth I instantly felt better. And you can even tell how much better I felt in this picture too. So if you get overheated often like I do, keep a pack of Ban Cloths in your purse for easy access during the hot months like I will be doing.

Right now Ban Cloths are being sold in many locations including Ebay but they are selling out quickly so hurry and get yours now!