Pledge Your #HappyActs for a Happier Tomorrow

Acts of Happiness brought to you by Live Happy

Sometimes it's the little things in life that really make someone happy. And wouldn't it be nice if the world was a happier place? Well, the International Day of Happiness is March 20 so why don't you make a pledge to do an act of happiness tomorrow? Here's some ideas to get you started:

Go Outside and Play with the Birds

Build a Snowman with the Kids

Hug Your Pet Duck in the Snow

Have a Snowball Fight with your Kids

Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Watch Your Kids Have Fun Outside

Now that you've seen some of our random acts of happiness, why not pledge to make your own tomorrow? The process is simple and easy, plus for every pledge, a $1 will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America up to $25,000. And after you pledge, if you follow a few more steps you can entered to win a cruise for 4 to the Caribbean! Plus if you have a pledge today, the 19th, you'll be entered to win one of 5 $50 VISA gift cards!

Ready to make your pledge like we did? Head on over the Random Acts of Happiness page and pledge away!