Know Your Count Managing Asthma

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Nearly 25 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma. While symptoms and severity vary from person to person, asthma can be deadly in some circumstances. Asthma exacerbations, or “attacks,” account for nearly two million emergency room visits every year in this country. Many people with asthma rely on a rescue, or quick-relief, inhaler to improve their breathing when they feel the signs of an oncoming asthma attack.

In a 2003 questionnaire given to 268 patients, 90% of respondents reported that an inhaler with a dose counter would give them added reassurance about medication supply.

A dose counter may help you know how much medicine is left.

How could you know if there was medicine in your rescue inhaler without a dose counter? Well, you could try to count the doses yourself, and some people do. But most people don’t use their rescue inhalers every day and may lose count of how many doses remain.

A written survey at the Scripps Clinic and Research Center of 63 new and existing patients who used a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) showed that only 8% reported counting the number of actuations used and replaced their inhalers when, or before, the manufacturer’s specified maximum number of actuations was reached.

A dose counter is the best way to keep track 

Life often gets in the way, so don't leave your dose count to chance. If you want to know how much medicine remains in your rescue inhaler, you should rely on a dose counter. Ask your doctor to prescribe a rescue inhaler that helps you Know Your Count.