Protecting Your Kids Online with HotSpot Shield

I am a Hotspot user and ambassador. All opinions are my own.

The other day I walked into the living room to see that Mary was using my tablet to play some games online. Of course I don't mind her playing them, but she has no idea how to make sure the WiFi connection is secure. Mostly because kids think that everything around them is totally perfect and nothing will ever harm them. But the scary fact is that 75% of people who ever use WiFi have some sort of information stolen! And that's a horrible thing to think about.

In my house, I make sure to use HotSpot Shield because I know my WiFi is protected. Not just with my password but so that hackers can't find out my information. And I don't just use it in my house either. Just check out this information about public hotspots.

Most places that have WiFi now are not protected at all so that anyone who is in the area can just use it. We were in a restaurant just yesterday and Mary logged into her tablet to play games and it was on a unsecured WiFi connection. I am so thankful that we had HotSpot because with it, no one can see your information. It's completely blocked from even hackers to access and that makes me feel more easy about letting her use the internet.

If you don't currently have anything to protect your information from a WiFi connection, you can download HotSpot Shield for free.