My Story of Healthy Weight Loss

This is a sponsored post with the Niche Parent Network & Conference.

All my life I was always made fun of for my weight. Not because I was overweight, but because I was skinny as a rail. I even remember back in the eighth grade my nickname was Anna Anorexic. Being thin just always ran in my family and I remember hearing stories of my mother being able to fit right back in her normal jeans two days after giving birth to me. But as I got older, she started to put on weight until she was a size 14. I always hoped that it wouldn't happen to me since I was always so skinny and even when I was pregnant with Mary, I actually was loosing weight instead of gaining. That is, up until I got HELLP syndrome and then I was a very high risk pregnancy. 

When my doctor told me I was a high risk pregnancy, especially because I had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with Mary, I was told to completely take it easy. When I left the house, it was in a wheelchair. And for the most part of the day, all I did was sit or lay down. Walking made my condition worse so while I sat or lied down, I ate. I even remember sitting in bed with my husband one day and eating potato chips and ice cream. Since I had been so skinny for my entire life and was never able to put on weight, I didn't think I would this way either. Except since I wasn't very mobile at all and all I did was eat, I was shocked that I had gained 70 pounds from being pregnant. And what was worse was that after I had Mary, I was still about 60 pounds heavier than before. I was so depressed and none of my old clothes fit me at all. I had never been overweight and all my life I had worn a size 7 but after having Mary, I was wearing the same pants as my husband. 

I tried doing home exercises desperately because I didn't want to be overweight but since I had a C-section to have Mary, my muscles were still numb and I couldn't do much still. So for months, I was just a very depressed and angry person. I was miserable with how I looked until I decided to go for a natural way to lose weight. Since I couldn't feel my muscles, I started eating only natural organic foods. I also watched my salt intake and ate only 1000mg of it a day, including everything like drinks. I would write down the salt percentage for everything I ate and once I got to 1000mg, I stopped eating for the day. 

This way of dieting made me lose weight so rapidly that people couldn't believe that it was me when they saw me come out of the house. I started doing this in March when I was wearing my husband's pants, and in August I was wearing a size 8. In September, I was down to my original size 7 and then in January of the next year, I was down to a size 3. 

Natural weight loss was the best option for me because I am not really am exercise person. I used to run when I was a teenager, but with a small child and no one to watch them, sometimes it's hard to get out and do things! There are also so many weight loss programs out there to choose from so I had to pick a regime I knew I could stick to as well. 

Have you ever lost a lot of weight? What was your secret?