Our Four New Webbed Friends

Mary turned six years old yesterday and for a long time, she's wanted ducks to play with outside. So since we recently moved to the country, we decided to surprise her with four! We ordered ours from and they came yesterday!

The two yellow ones my husband got for me for my birthday which is fours days after Mary's birthday. My husband pretty much knows for any special day to just get me something with feathers!

They are seriously the most precious little things I've ever seen. They love to be held and are always wanting to play. Of course since they're little mess makers, they live in their own house outside.

So far Mary's been having fun going outside to play with them. But her biggest wish right now is to put them in the bathtub and film it for YouTube. Do you think she spends too much time watching me online?

So make sure to keep checking in to watch how our little quackers grow up with us! Their pictures are also on the About the Flock page above, plus all their crazy names so check it out! And if you love birds as much as me, make sure to look for Perky Pet coupons online so you can get everything you need for a great bird garden cheaper!