Sponsor: Atlanta Speech School
path to literacy is a lifelong process that starts at birth. Creating
a coherent high quality system to teach children at home is one of
the biggest challenges many parents face. Young children have an
innate desire to learn. That desire can be supported or undermined by
early experiences. The experiences that parents provide to their
children are extremely critical since it can dramatically increase
the child's chance to be successful later in life. The first years of
development in a child's life are the most important since they
provide a foundation that guides not just academically, but socially,
and emotionally. Join us and The Atlanta Speech School for the
#Tweet4Literacy Twitter Party on Wednesday September 25, 2013 at 7PM
EST for a discussion regarding one of our nation’s most important
needs, literacy! You'll have the chance to win gift cards to Barnes &
Noble and a brand new Samsung Tablet!
The Twitter Party Details:
Who: Achieving Literacy in Everyday Life Twitter Party
When: Wednesday September 25, 2013 at 7PM EST
Where: On Twitter! Follow @BluebirdPtchATL, @MommyTalkShow, @KBWhiskey, @AtlantasFrugalM tweets!
Hashtag: #Tweet4Literacy
Follow: @AtlSpeechSchool @BluebirdPtchATL, @MommyTalkShow, @KBWhiskey, @AtlantasFrugalM
Co-Hosts: @MommyTalkShow, @KBWhiskey, @AtlantasFrugalM
Prizes: (4) $20 gift cards to Barnes & Nobles and a Samsung Tablet
RSVP: RSVP below by entering your twitter handle in the linky (required)
Twitter Party Topics:
- Tips for encouraging literacy with your child
- Literacy Statistics
- A Literacy Action Plan
- How To READ with Your Child
- Read and Talk with Infants and Toddlers
- Rollins Center

To get started, click here to Tweet: "Join me at the @bluebirdptchatl #Tweet4Literacy Twitter Party w/ @AtlSpeechSchool 9/25 7PM ET! "
RSVP below by entering your twitter handle in the linky (required)

Be sure to RSVP for the party by submitting your Twitter handle.*Prize winners must have RSVP-ed via linky and be participating in the discussion to win. Participants must be following @bluebirdptchatl on Twitter to be eligible to win. Open to United States residents only. One prize per winner. No purchase necessary. Twitter Party prize winners must complete a form with mailing details within 48 hours of the party. The form will be DMed if you win a prize.