Moving Beyond the Page Curriculum

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With summer in full swing, I like to keep Mary reading all the time. It helps her so much plus it keeps her entertained, so we recently were able to review two units from Moving Beyond the Page. The first one was for Charlotte's Web, which I have been raving about in previous reviews on my site.

For the past month, we have read a chapter of Charlotte's Web everyday thanks to Moving Beyond the Page. We received a copy of Charlotte's Web and also we had a login for the printable section of Charlotte's Web on the Moving Beyond the Page site. On the site, we could get worksheets and activities to go along with the story which was a lot of fun. We used Charlotte's Web once a day in our literature studies and it took us a month to finish, but you don't have to go as fast as us. Mary just loves reading so I didn't want to spoil her fun!

The only thing out of the printable worksheets that Mary didn't enjoy was the spelling sheets. She hates spelling with a passion so it was almost like forcing her to do them.

Our second section we did was our Social Studies section on Connected Cultures.

With this unit, I have to admit I was a little disappointed because I skipped a lot of it. In the first section, you talk about your ancestry, and we were able to tell Mary a little about where she came from, but since she has no brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, or grandparents, we couldn't make a family tree. And when we tried, it looked so sad because we don't have family at all.

In the second section, we learned about India, but since I can't eat Indian food, I had to skip that part with her. I also skipped the small section on religion for India since I have no intentions of teaching Mary any religion except Judaism, ever.

The Spanish section was a little better since we can eat Spanish food, but again we skipped the section on religion since it's mostly Catholic.

For the Chinese section, we skipped the meal and the religion again, but Mary didn't enjoy China at all because she knows they are Communist and persecute people who believe in God. So for this reason, China really wasn't one of her favorites. She's also shocked that in China, it's against the law to have more than one child and the government tells you what to do and when. China to her is more of a scary place than a far off place to learn about.

The rest of the unit was fine, but I do have to admit I wished they had picked better countries to learn about. I understand you have to teach your kids about culture, but at least in China and India, there's more bad than good to learn about.

For the Connected Cultures unit, we finished it in a week because Mary just wasn't into it at all.

The Charlotte’s Web online package is $20.92, with novel included. The unit lesson book alone is $12.93.
The Connected Cultures online package is $30.94 with book included. The unit lesson book alone is $26.88.