Goodbye to a School Year #Sponsored

“I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating” This post may contain affiliate links

I can't believe the school year is gone! This was Mary's first year of actual curriculum and I've been very impressed with how well she's done with everything. Next year she officially starts Kindergarten!

One thing I learned about her is that she loves to do workbook pages. Most kids can't stand the tediousness of workbook pages but Mary thrives on them! She usually gets about 8 workbook pages each day but next year I'll be adding a lot more since she does them well and really enjoys them.

She also discovered a love for art which I am so glad of. She has an art curriculum that works very well for her and she's showing a lot of promise. This was one of her first lessons above and she had to draw a house with multi-colors. I think she did great for a five year old!

I also learned that Mary does very well on the computer too. She actually knows more about it than I do sometimes and that says a lot. She does a few programs online and also on CD on the computer and I'm amazed at how she's learned to navigate and even spell by copying things on them.

Mary's also had a few memorable field trips too this year! Here were two of her favorites!

To learn how things work and are made in a fun way, we went to Legoland Atlanta and had a blast! She learned how legos are made and the building process in a very fun environment!

Her other favorite field trip was when we went gem panning and learned just where rocks and gems come from. She had so much fun and did the panning all by herself without any help too so I was very impressed when she came out with a big bag of gems!

When it comes to home-schooling, sometimes stuff can get messy too but that bad part is that there's no janitor to help you out in that area! So for Mary's messes, we rely on Wet Ones to get us through. Wet Ones antibacterial wipes are an amazing help when it comes to art time too because they make for an easy cleanup.

So when the new school year starts, I know I'll be stocking up on Wet Ones to help get me through the day. What about you?