Brighten a Mother's Day with #JOHNSONSbabycares

I have been compensated in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and JOHNSON’S Baby

With Mother's Day coming up, there's a lot of moms out there that would love something more than just a present or even flowers. Sometimes a "Thank you" or even a "You're doing a great job" is better than chocolates or breakfast in bed. Motherhood isn't a paid job and sometimes the things you do go overlooked. I know for many years, everything I did was just taken as something I'm supposed to do. And not until I actually went back to work when Mary turned 3 did I ever get a "Wow honey, your job is hard!". And I can say it was nice to hear that my job isn't as easy as eating bonbons all day and watching soap operas while I fold the clothes!

So for Mother's Day, why don't you send a nice card to a mother and tell her she's doing a great job! With Johnson's baby Care Cards, it's easy to send a card to a mother who needs some encouragement. Plus with every Care Card sent, shared, or even liked, Johnson's Baby will donate $1.00 to Save the Children, up to $150,000! So what better way to encourage a mom and also help children in need too?

Making a Care Card is so simple. Just head on over to the Johnsonsbabycares Facebook app and follow the 3 easy steps! Select your message like shown above and then go to step 2 to pick your picture.

On step 2, pick out the picture you want to include and then you're ready to send your card on Step 3. You can also tweet it and share it on Facebook which will also count towards the donation. And at the bottom of each page, there's a meter to show how close Johnson's is to the goal of $150,000!

So before Mother's Day this weekend, make a Care Card for a Mother who needs encouragement more than some flowers!

Want to see the card I made for an amazing mom? Check out my card here! If you want to make your own card, check out the #JOHNSONSbabycares Facebook app -