Homeschool Made Easy

Homeschooling Mary sometimes is a challenge because she's still at the stage where she wants to play all day. Even though she has structured lessons, I still like to do fun activities with her but I've been looking for some sort of curriculum to follow for them. I like monthly themes so when I found Flowering Baby, I knew it was just what I've been looking for.

Flowering Baby offers curriculum choices from Birth to Age 5. It's fun and interactive ideas to do with your child throughout all these crucial development years, and we got to review Age 4-5 which was amazing.

The 4-5 year old program is broken down by month and then by daily suggested activities. Included in the daily activities are exposure to music, reinforced phonetic and math skills, ideas for science, literature activities, and game suggestions.

I've been using this everyday with Mary and we actually started with the Musical Instruments section first. So far she's learned so much that I have to say I'm very impressed. Plus each lesson is very easy to plan for and requires almost no store bought objects. And most of the books you need can be found at the library so this curriculum is amazing to me.

What truly impressed me was Mary was talking to me the other day about her favorite instruments and she started naming them off, some of which I had forgotten about myself. I was amazed that she had remembered so much about the lesson and I can't wait to finish them all!

Our typical day usually goes with doing our normal routine work and then implementing our Flowing Child curriculum in for the fun part of school. It's almost like extracurricular work for her because it's so much fun. And even though it's not in the curriculum to do this, I've been finding videos on the subjects as well as books from our library so Mary can learn even more.

The suggested activities and games are great because they require minimal planning as well. And they also have a field trip guide to help with each lesson. I actually use these lessons everyday and I have to admit that I look forward to them myself! It makes homeschooling fun for both of us!

And for our readers, Flowering Baby is offering a 10% discount when you order. Just enter the code "Blog10".

 Many on the Schoolhouse Review Crew had the privilege of using the Flowering Baby curriculum with their families. Be sure the visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog to see how they used this product in their homes and what worked for them.

*Disclaimer: I received Flower Baby LLC product downloads free of charge for the sole purpose of this review for TOS Schoolhouse Review Crew. I was not required to write a positive review. The views I have expressed are my own and are real experiences with my family.