Activity Bags for Preschoolers

Most of my readers know by now that I home-school Mary during the day and let me tell you that's not an easy task when you work at home too. It seems as soon as I start doing work, she wants to do something new. So I like to keep a few things handy to grab when I need to get a post in here or there. And that's where my new activity bags come in!

What are Activity Bags you might be wondering? Activity Bags are, quite simply, self-guided activities in a bag that your young child can complete independently. Designed with little hands in mind each activity is self-sufficient, can stand alone and requires no instructions from a parent. They are self-correcting and motivating! Children flourish when they have an opportunity to "do school" like older siblings and activity bags provides a way to encourage learning while keeping those little ones occupied. Activity Bags is the result of a brainstorm by Paula Reetz and Sherry MacLean.

Activity Bags answer to the question, "what do I do with my preschooler?" during the homeschool day. You can learn more about Paula and Sherry and the Activity Bags story by reading their bios! Activity Bags are also unique in that they are designed with the idea of holding a swap in mind. With a swap the Mom with the activity bag kit invites about 20 other like-minded moms to divide up the activities, each Mom making 20 bags to trade with other Moms. In the end each Mom ends up with 20 different activities for their child, not to mention a FUN moms-day-out while swapping!

I do want to mention though that you don't have to do swaps with these to see the benefit of them. We don't have a home-school group near us but we were still able to use the Activity Bags.

The activity bag we were able to review was the Preschool Activities in a Bag.  Preschool Activities in a Bag are downloadable eBooks full of ideas to entertain and educate your little ones. Book 1 has 34 activities, book 2 has 33. Wow! Together a whopping 67 activities! The activities vary based on age and skill level but there is, by far, several activities for any child of any age.

The Preschool Activities in a Bag actually has two different PDF books and we reviewed both. Each has totally different activities that are wonderful for kids! Now you're probably wondering how to put these bags together. Basically you go on your PDF and print out the games with their pieces. Put them together and also add the items you need like popsicle sticks, poofs, stickers, etc to a zip lock bag. Then simply keep them handy for home-school use!

Both eBooks include instructions on how to assemble your bags and how to host a swap! Preschool Activities in a Bag eBook 1 and eBook 2 retail independently for $15.00 each for a .pdf download. For a great deal you can purchase both as an eBook bundle for only $27.00!

If you want to read more reviews for the Activity Bags, check out the other crew reviews here!

Disclaimer: We received Activity Bags free of charge in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed here are my own.