Usborne Books Giveaway - CLOSED!

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Yet another generous donor has offered $50 worth of children's books for a giveaway! So here's how to win it!
Mandatory Entry: You MUST follow me publicly on Google Connect and leave a comment here saying what your favorite book from Usborne Books is. 3 entries
Bonus Entries:
1. Follow me on Twitter - 1 entry
2. Follow me on Networked Blogs - 1 entry
3. Follow me on Blogged - 1 entry
4. Add my button to your blog - 5 entries
5. Retweet this giveaway daily  - 1 daily
6. Like my Facebook fan page - 1 entry
7. Friend me on Facebook - 1 entry
8. Write a blog post linking back to this giveaway - 10 entries

Contest ends November 13! One winner will be selected via CLOSED!