Jumbie Review and Giveaway - CLOSED!

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About Jumbies
Jumbie's are almost like beanie babies for the new millenium, except they are animals that are crossed together. The story behind them is adorable and can be found here. My daughter got to review Horsefly and Mallit. She loves both of them so much that calls them her "friends". I know you will love Jumbie's too so I get to giveaway two Jumbie's to one winner!

Valid only in the US and its territories including APO's.

Contest terms – 1 winners will be chosen and will receive 2 JUMBiES.

Mandatory Entry
1.       You MUST follow me publicly on Google Connect and leave a comment here saying your favorite Jumbie. Go to to pick your favorite. - 3 entries

Extra Entries:
2.       Follow JUMBiES on twitter @jumbies - 2 entries
3.       Tweet “Check out JUMBiES. They have been compared to the next Beanie Babies!” - 2 entries
4.       Like “JUMBiES” on facebook - 1 entry 
5.       Follow me on Twitter - 1 entry
6.       Follow me on Networked Blogs - 1 entry
7.       Follow me on Blogged - 1 entry
8.       Like my Facebook Fan Page - 1 entry
9.       Friend me on Facebook - 1 entry
10.    Add my button to your blog - 5 entries
11.    Retweet this giveaway daily - 1 entry per day
12.    Write a blog post linking back to this giveaway - 10 entries

One winner will be chosen by using   Winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning email.
Contest ends November 5! CLOSED!